Friday, March 27, 2015

Sissy & Adel's birthday

you must be thinking.. "so many birthday posts?! (Bernard's one next)" no, actually more like "so consistent in your blog posts?! 3 posts in 1 week??" well, I try.. March has been pretty fun and good to me. Still a bit unsettled that a new semester awaits in almost a week *agh* 

Went over to Sissy's house for a mini surprise party organised by Danj. Auntie Annie prepped all the food and boy does it look (and taste) so good! She was rlly proud of the set up and looks of everything cause she was busily snapping away and smiling to herself haha : )

so we waited... 

hahahaha she was shocked! 

Uncle Patrick: "If you all don't finish the food all cannot go home" 

Happy birthday Sissy!! Can't believe we've been friends for more than a decade! From hide and seek in the dark, to gossiping about pointless dramas, first rows in church, fox kids fashion and our most exciting stay overs as kids.. we sure have grown. I wish you all the happiness in the world, hope you had a blessed and surprised b'day x 


Rushed over to Bernard's nanny's house to celebrate Adel's birthday. Really busy day for us with brunch, B's hockey match and two birthday celebrations but we felt more than satisfied at the end of the day :-) 

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