Friday, February 6, 2015

Steamboat/BBQ at Bugis

Bugis steamboat/bbq buffet with the loveliest group of friends (who I'd be seeing agn tmr for reunion dinner)! I'm so not a steamboat or bbq or buffet person. I can't eat a lot and whatever I eat is always limited (ahem. only crab meat, beef, cheese tofu and.. the tom yum soup). One hour into the dinner, everyone was still eating, taking more food but I had my chopsticks down because I was so full! I did save some space in my stomach for desserts though. 

We went over to Ah chew Desserts where I found my mango-durian sago dessert heaven... holy macaroni. I literally indulged in a soft and creamy sago filled with thick chunks of durian meat, mango, pomelo and sago. Everything went so well together, not kidding! 

Thankful that we always make it a point to meet up once in a while to enjoy dinner and each other's company. Missing the Lee sisters who are currently taking over the United States! 


Happiness is having finished all of your exams! The past few weeks has been so draining and I'm so glad that this ordeal is over. My exams went pretty decent I would say, hopefully I can keep up with my current grades. Sorry for the hiatus but i'll be updating this space more regularly from now onwards [even though I'd be starting work at my mum's office this coming Monday #intense #nobreaksforme]! TGIF :-) Have a great weekend everybody x 

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