Sunday, April 13, 2014

Common Man Coffee Roasters

Sorry for the lack of updates! Really trying my best to blog at least two to three times a week but school just officially begun for me and i'm still in the midst of trying to adjust / manage my time and schedule! Studying and working part-time is something I thought I'd nvr do but since lectures are only 3 hours everyday and my job is so flexible, i've got the opportunity to juggle both at the same time! I'm quite happy with that to be honest but I barely seem to have time to do random things like my manicure, threading my brows, lazing around town, drinking tea in the afternoon or sleeping in. Hmm something new to adjust to… 

here's a review of the well know cafe and roastery - Common Man Coffee Roasters! The latest talk of the town, i'm sure you've seen many reviews and snapshots of this place on social media…

I love the decor so much, especially the cool bar seats and those spotlights!! They sure do make me feel like i'm on Broadway lol! The laid-back space emits cool and modern vibes, definitely my favourite interior I've seen for a cafe. OH AND SPY THE SIGN "FREE COFFEE AND DONUTS FOR THE UNEMPLOYED"!! SO CUTE!

Although situated in a pretty posh neighbourhood, I was shock with the menu pricing. We ordered the Comman Man full breakfast ($26), the highly raved about Organic Eggs Benedict ($24) along with a mocha ($6).

Common Man full breakfast - we don't usually order big breakfast because it bores us but everyone else was ordering it so we decided to be mainstream and follow the crowd. It was pretty decent, the poached eggs were executed well. All toasts were tough and hard, even on my Eggs Benedict. 

Organic Eggs Benedict - it came with two poached eggs on top of braised ox cheeks and toast. The meat was tender, eggs have soft whites and a runny yolk and a well made hollandaise sauce. Everything felt rich and it was a little discomfortable towards the end of the meal. 

Mocha - I am no coffee connoisseur, but I thoroughly enjoyed my mocha! It was nicely perfumed with the intense chocolate aroma and I thought it enhanced the flavour of the smooth coffee!! 

I have no qualms with spending $70 on brunch for two but even I am feeling the pinch here. In conclusion, this place is overpriced and overhyped. I'll only come for their coffee and ambience. I mean.. God, when did eggs become so expensive?? ok ending this post with an outfit photo :> thx for reading!

Common Man Coffee Roasters
22 Martin Road

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