Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Chinese New Year Day 2

Pardon my messy space, jumbling all the CNY posts up! Day 2 of Chinese new year is always special because it's when the Ong family has our reunion lunch. This year was extra special because we had it by the pool instead!! 

ok perhaps what was "special" is the leaves that fell into our food.. omg. I thank God for good weather when eating outdoors but it was so windy and the leaves kept falling!! 


I feel so pumped this week.. Celebrated Bernard's birthday over the weekend and this week just excites me so much although it's already back to work today hahaha! On a side note, my company is doing a survey on National Values Assessment about Singapore and it's work culture so if you're oh-so-very-nice(-and-free), do help me out by clicking on this link! Thank you in advance!

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