Sunday, March 1, 2015

Chinese New Year Day 1

Yes.. how weird right, Day 1 of CNY and my family decides to dine at a cafe. 

We decided to have dinner at the artisanal cafe - Penny University because 1) it's located right behind my gramps place 2) we're sick of Chinese food 3) majority of the places were closed on the first day of the new year.

Coffee was good of course, super fragrant and strong. I loved the peppermint chocolate that Darlene ordered! Food wise was a miss though, the greek yogurt with poached egg is unique and their pesto pasta tasted slightly above average. Those two are my favourite out of all : ) 

Outfit on New Year's! Ok I need to share my story about this Topshop dress.. don't be too jealous after reading, heh. I saw this dress over a year ago in Topshop with a price tag of $139. I was so tempted to buy it but smth in my heart tells me no so I didn't... and then two weeks before CNY, Bernard and I were taking a stroll at Vivo City when we chanced upon this "warehouse" shop that had  some sport stuff he wanted to check out. While walking around, I saw this whole rack of clothes that had a flimsy banner reading "TOPSHOP" and then on the rack was this dress. Literally I was like "EHHHH!" and I checked the price board. It says "Dresses - $25". HOLY MACARONI! Best of all, it was the only piece available on the rack coincidentally IN MY SIZE whutttttt. 

End of story, have a great week ahead everyone. 

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