Sunday, January 25, 2015

Boufé Boutique Cafe

Found this new boutique cafe while scrolling through Instagram the other day! It's tucked away in Phoenix Park which is a 5 mins drive away from Bernard's house so we had to go have our weekly brunch here! I love the minimalistic white and black interior, reminds me of Parcamara (which I will blog abt another day, all pics taken with my iPhone displeases me haha).

We had our usual Eggs Benedict and their homemade baguette with truffled mushrooms accompanied with my slightly tasteless iced chamomile mint tea. The Eggs Benedict's hollandaise sauce is really rich and much better than most of the other cafes. The brioche along with it is light and fluffy! Not to mention the generous amount of eggs and ham. I especially love their truffle baked baguette because it's not the typical thing on the brunch menu. I'm a huge mushroom fan so I really like the ragout topped off with the egg.. all the right ingredients for a perfect dish. 

Boufé definitely did not disappoint. Although it is more accessible with a car, it's worth the hassle! I'd definitely be back (even though their brunch menu only has 6 items) because this place is so chill and serene. 

Signing off with yet another picture of me cause Bernard is more excited about my new camera than I am, the entire time he was like "eh let me take" / "you want take ootd? I take for you." HAHAHA! Also, I apologise for my unannounced two weeks hiatus. I'm currently in the midst of exam preparations because exams will take place in a week >_< so pardon me for the lack of updates! Till the 5th of Feb, ciao ~

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