Thursday, October 20, 2016

Hong Kong 2016 Day 6

Perhaps the heaviest breakfast I've ever had - Ippudo Ramen before heading to Ocean Park!! 

wew, I was so excited because it was my first time!! The admission passes are so cute! Our first stop was the aquariums, it's quite similar to our S.E.A. Aquarium in RWS but way more animals. 

Ok the walrus is SO CUTE?? And the penguins too! So clumsy and super adorable! It was feeding time when we went and the penguins were behaving like excited kids HAHA!

SHO CUTE RIGHT OMG?? The stuff toys are to die for and it's so fluffy! 

Conquered the not-so-hair-raising Hair Raiser roller coaster that gave me such a bad headache.. We took two roller coasters, both were terrible. 

By the time we settled down for lunch, most of the restaurants were closed for break! We bought lunch coupons along with our park tickets and it was the best decision ever. We saved a lot of money and the food served was surprisingly so good! Check out the view from the restaurant, super amazing.

I was super excited about the cable car ride because I haven't took a cable car in forever. It turned out much scarier than I thought because I didn't know it was so high up and we were literally at the summit. 

Super fun day with these guys! Of course we had to take our last picture at the best ride of my life ~ The Rev Booster ride looks like the most decent candy coloured kiddy ride that merely spins and whirls around in a cycle but don't be deceived. I almost flew out of ride because it was SOOO fast, I was screaming like a mad woman with Bernard spending the entire time laughing at me! 

It was our last night in Hong Kong and it was spent roaming around Ladies Market and buying shoes till everyone went broke : ) 

One of my favourite pics of Bernard and I taken at the Old Hong Kong Street x 

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