Thursday, February 12, 2015

Happy 50 months!

YAY! Heard of so many raves about SONS Bacaro (especially their super cheap and affordable lunch set) so after months of lusting after pictures on Instagram and blogs, we finally made a trip down (using our 50th monthsary as an excuse to travel all the way, pay ERP and search high and low for parking in CBD area ugh) to try just how good their mains are. 

Our lunch situation was almost perfectly seriously?! The setting of this place was chic as expected but far more beautiful up close than in pictures. 

So everything was great until the food came.. I didn't order from the lunch set menu as I wanted to try their Crab & Nduja pasta but look at the portion!! It was so tiny compared to Bernard's beef stew :-( Of course it did fill me and it was delicious but why am I so disappointed (sobs). I finished it in 3 mins. 

But of course, all was made better when B suggested "let's go to town and have llao llao before studying" OKKKK YAYYYY! Somebody asked me on "What makes you happy?" I replied with the pic above and said I can't rlly decide muahaha. Yes, llao llao is over rated but there is no denying that it's so damm good. 

Went to study and then had dinner at Real food. Organic food. Yes, so not us and it wasn't that good. 

but my day was great! and honestly, the past month has been the best and things have been getting so much better for the two of us. 

Happy 50th monthsary to the one and only. This is so cringeworthy but thank you for loving me all these years. You've seen me at my worst, you know what a mess I can be, how hard things can get and still love me even when I least deserve it. Thank you for making me laugh when I'd almost forgotten how to and being there at every step of the way. You make me the happiest and I just want you to know that I appreciate you tons. Love you Bernard x 

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