Friday, January 2, 2015

Year 2014 in review / New year

Happy new year everybody!! It's insane how time goes by so fast. As 2014 comes to an end, it takes with it people and sorrows and joys and memories. For the world as a whole, a ton of tragedies has occurred be it in terms of the current aviation situation, terrorism or natural disasters. My wish for this coming year would be to have peace. Peace in this world and peace in all of our hearts. 

This year has been fairly good to me. I mean, I have always counted myself "too blessed to be stressed" because I never had to go through hardships or tough pain. In fact even if I do, I'll always remind myself that God doesn't give me anything too big I cannot handle. However, things have been tough and tiring lately. I'm not sure why either. On most days, I find myself crying more than I'm smiling. Perhaps it's the endless report writing, assignments, meetings, lectures and upcoming exams but more than just being tired of the physical and intangible things, I am tired of people. People who really push my limits (without even knowing it). And I think that's the biggest take away for this year - that certain people just aren't worth my time. It's simultaneously harder to maintain friendships / relationships as we grow older and to be honest, I am tired of trying to maintain forced interactions, meaningless attachments and unnecessary conversations with people who do not make effort to love you or stay in your life. As life and priorities changes, some people just don't fit in anymore simply because people change too. The consequences of putting people above myself is terrible because I failed to realise that all I've been doing is pinning my happiness on things that are temporary.  

My dad once said that as I grow older, I'll have fewer friends but they'll be great ones. Indeed some friendships will require more effort than others and my group of friends will inevitably shrink as I age. I guess people come and go, it's all part of life. Ok I need to stop right here because this post sounds too sad for a "Happy New Year"... (meh) but you get my point. To those who no longer make an effort to stay, hahahaha goodbye: 

Anyway, I recently looked back on my resolutions from last year which I posted up on this blog (can't believe this space has been around for more than a year?!), and I think I did a pretty good job with my 2014 goals!! Here's a screenshot of it:

The review

Things I've fulfilled: 

- Learning from mistakes and being open to criticism. Ok maybe more of the first part. I've learnt a ton of stuff this year. Especially after getting my driver's license which I have already mentioned in my previous post

- Do better in school. Believe it or not, I love school. And when you actually love something, you'd work hard for it. I completed my foundation and am on the way to completing my first semester in SIM. My results thus far are pleasing (at least to me k) so I guess that's good enough to say that I've fulfilled that point. 

- Get fit and lose weight. Pictures speaks louder than words so here's a before and after! 5 kg lesser and fresher... Literally cut my diet into almost nothing. Only fruits, small bites, barely any carbs and strictly no supper (the evil thing that made me gain weight). 

On the scale it was 5 kg lesser (on the way to 6 now...) but i've been asking all my friends and they're like "no difference leh" WELL I'M SO GLAD THIS PICTURES PROVES OTHER WISE #YES!

- Savings! Worked a ton of odd jobs this year because of various recommendations so I have a happy bank account at the moment! Not sure how long that's going to last but for some odd reason, I spend less when I have money. That's a good thing right?

- Travel! Blessed to have visited three countries this year! Sadly though, didn't make it to London but i'm quite determined to go this year in September *fingers crossed*

Hong Kong and Macau in March

Bangkok in September 

Korea in November

- Met many new friends in my new school! Very glad! 

- PLOT TWIST! Bernard and I ended up in the same school hahaha it wasn't necessarily a good thing but I guess it did help in spending time since he trains 4 to 5 times a week and has so many games / leagues and all (rolls eyes) look what I saw on Instagram while typing this: 


but well.. there are moments where it's actually really hard for the both of us. This year we've had our fair share of ups and downs. Misunderstandings, minor or major arguments. Moments where we disagree and just want to scream and shout at each other (which we always do). Moments where we are happy and moments where we make each other upset. But it is through these moments when we come to realise that the person you're fighting with, is actually the person you want to be with. Because even after everything we've been through, love makes it all worth it. I love you Bernard!

- I didn't lose any items! Not my wallet, not my iPad or iPhone. K it sounds like a small deal but to me this matters because I'm super careless!! 

And so, a reminder for me this year: 

So here's to the past, to the start of a new year. To new beginnings, new hopes, new dreams, new goals, new perspectives, new challenges and new adventures. Happy 2015 one and all! 

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